our first stop, the Jetty Point.
there, we can get Baskin Robins' aircream shop, KFC, Kenny Roger and Starbucks. there is a duty-free shop inside, but i find things are a little bit more expensive inside. nothing much to eat, we had KFC instead.
not so far from the jetty, the majestic 'Helang' is just there. walking distance only, but under the hot sun. my wife was so unhappy when i said "lets go there...". crazy ahhh, so hot!!! in the end, i went there alone...
i have to cross the "love" bridge, about 5 minutes walk to the damn thing. on the way, i saw this church-like building. not one, but two similar buildings there.
i was wondering how come? two churches in the middle of town, new thing for me. so i peep inside...
alah... it's nothing inside! kena tipu pulak...
there are a few Malay stalls around the buildings. i think these are built like Central Market, in KL, to set up stalls for handicrafts. but a 'white-elephant' project, the facility is abandoned.
then, i reached to see this 'Helang'...
so huge! and so many people there. mostly i think people from China, some domestic ones, and me there. aiyaaa, how can i miss to take picture of this 'Helang' here, if im in Langkawi...
fighting for space, trying to get best angle of it.
but then, i saw this 'macha'.
macho man!!!
"hey, you are blocking my view!!!"
before we left the Jetty Point, my wife managed to get some handicrafts for herself. amazing shopper leh... but nothing for me!
(NEXT: Bird Paradise, Thai food)
Read Part I here
Read Part II here
Read Part III
Read Part IV
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