after a got up from sleep, it was already dinner time. for the whole day, both of us only had 1 packet of "Nasi Lemak" during the flight (heh, i pre-booked it leh!), the a set of value-meal McDonald's burger. that's it. for sure, our stomachs were singing for HELP...
driving our dumbass little "Kancil" around, we found this place...
a seafood restaurant, located along the Chenang beach. for sure, one will hardly miss this place as it was fully lit up at night. very outstanding among the rest lor. the atmosphere of Orkid Ria is very nice, and romantic... all the dead fish and other seafood are displayed at the entrance. that time, there were a lot of "ang mo" (foreigners) drinking beers, enjoying the seafood.
both of us ordered a grilled fish, i think we chose the seabass, hotplate taufu and egg.
nah, Mrs Boleh-man is allergic to prawn and prawn-like products.
fuiyooo, big save to my wallet.
we were so hungry, i was totally forgotten to take photos of the dishes. makan saja... when i realised, food all gone. nevermind lah...
bill, it cost me total of RM50 plus. not cheap... and nothing is cheap over there, except alcohol, alcohol, again alcohol, and cigarettes. i really have to stress this, the alcohol is dirt cheap over here! certainly, we were enjoying the dinner.
a friendly reminder, never order hotplate taufu here anymore. because it taste sucks!!!
after that, we ZZZzzzzz.... again.
(NEXT: Kuah town, the famous "Helang"!)
Read Part I here
Read Part II here
Read Part III
Read Part IV
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