it was already two months after my convocation (19 august), and now only im going to show my photos. shame on me!!!
apa nak buat?
i was so busy with my other responsibilies; got to clean the other house (cause i may work in penang), unpack my stuffs, then my hongkong trip and so on. my all sort of reasons and excuses. shit!!!
so, to recap (from my old, dont-no-where memory) the event on that day...
i guess it should be THE event for every one. a wonderful, and briliant finale after all the sweats and night oils for (at least) five years. yet it was an emotional one (deep in everyone's heart) and the proud moment for the parents.
the day started with gowing. everyone was busy with ironing the 'magnificent' gown, then adjusting it here and there.
not forgetting about photography, the smilie faces are printed in every photos.
no one was excused for not taking photograph, in such a joyful moment...
i was so busy, no fitting my gown, but taking all these photos. eveyone was so willing to pose in front of the camera... chik chak!!!! (konica!)
me, of course, wont miss the chance...
after all, we were asked to queue in front of the hall. while waiting for our turn at the alley, me, became 'keh poh' again...
ok, i got my scroll and the 'most-important' MBBS cert. and its time for a 'whole-family' photo.
where was i? guess...
final two today, my back...
and my lovely sister...
again, sorry for my belated convo photos :- )
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