hah!!! scratching my head, why did my mum get some much of bananas... still wondering???
mum said, firstly she got the two smaller ones. then she saw the bigger ones are more delicious. cissss... she bought them all. the seller even asked her why did she buy so much, she replied "we are going to have bananas for lunch!".
here we go, one by one. i 'hantam' one of the bananas! that was my lunch...
now you see...
now you dont...
sudah hilang liao... all in my hungry stomach (hehe)
then as for tea, i had sudden craving for my all-time-favourite 'rojak'. tell you what, the rojak is damn nice!!! no joke one... see it, and taste it to believe!
dude, please keep your saliva. its for me, not for your share k!!!
fast fast, i went to the stall and tapau a packet of 3 ringgit. fast fast i came back home. hmmmm, by less than 3 minute...
all kena hantam by me again! fwaaaaaah! what a great satisfaction... woahahahahaaaaa.....
i love fruits...
as conclusion for my 'fruitie' day, i had some mangoes pickle (sweet and sour one). another yummy finale... hai, what a wonderful day.......
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