my little prince is getting more active now.
on his developmental progress, his neck support is getting stronger now. the primitive reflexes are absent now. his palmar grasp is more maturing now with able outreaching for objects.
he cries even louder now, with many other 'alien' unrecognizable sounds. "eehh,, aahhh, eiyyy..."
Bolehboy can SIT already...yeh yeh..
My little boy is my DOCTOR , all my sadness is replaced by his smile and laughter. My little boy is growing so fast...I am waiting for you to call me MUMMY !
I think very soon, our little boleh boy will unable to fit in this tiny chair anymore. Hahaha...
Why his feet one CLOSE one OPEN ?So cute..
haha post more pix of ur boy boy ya! he has ur eyes Bolehmummy :)
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