Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My BolehBoy - Feet

My BolehBoy and his BolehMummy are staying far from me. well, im just a weekend-husband, and occasionally turn up on some weekdays too. as for this week his BolehMummy is working on night shift, its my turn for taking the full responsibility of taking care this BolehBoy.

it is like on-call, this BolehBoy will be my only 'patient' to take care. preparing his milk, changing his diapers, padding his back after meal... i can handle them, woahahaha!!!

how come so little of my BolehBoy's picture? i decided to have series of his anatomical parts, to have a documentation about the progression of his growth. hmmmm, let me start with his feet!

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do you think he needs the booties?

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why don't you all get him booties???

NEXT: Hands


Anonymous said...

I like his feet. Because of his bolehmother, she has a nice feet too. hehe..:)

Anonymous said...

so..............cute, is bolehboy look like "bolehman" or bolehmother????

bolehman shawn said...

aiyo... the BolehBoy looks like his BolehMother! that's why he is cute, isn't it?