frankly, i seldom play with my camera. all the camera equipments are just stored nicely inside the drybox, sitting there quietly for display only. how leh??? my 48-liter dehumidifier box is running out of space, lenses and other stuffs are keeping on growing in numbers. but i have no time even polishing them, playing with them and molesting them.
out of no where, i saw this gem in the used market!
it is a Nikon FM3a, a legendary film based (old school) camera.

bah!!! without second thought i met the seller and get my hand onto this old, antic but mint beast.

the damage, it cost me few hundreds Ringgit! me, i feel it was a good bargain. secretly telling you, it is actually cost more than a thousand plus at current market. furthermore, this is so mint, and it is fully functional!

it is coupled with a lens, an old 'ais' type. by looking at its superficial, i believe that lens is older than me, and it got suffered from 'Gulf war' or something similar. who cares about its cosmetic... hey, it is clean and fungus-free inside. more importantly it is still alive and kicking, fully functional. IT IS FREE!

WAHLAAH!!! it is just like a new camera. kilat, kilat... (shinning!) licin, licin... (smooth!) and so clean!

i just can't wait to run films onto it.
wait lah, im going to get the films soon!