after the Jetty Point, and snapping the Langkawi's favourite 'Helang', we went to the Bird Paradise a.k.a. Wildlife Sanctuary. it is located somewhere up north, about 20 minute drive form Kuah town. without the GPS device, it is quite hard to get along with even this small island's road system. turn left the right, then don't know where... but i got a special GPS, a policeman to direct me the right way.
ten, ten, teng...
we finally got to the destination.
this lousy building is sitting in the middle of nowhere... beside the main road, but ancient forest surrounding it. so kesian lah!
heck! i already bought the entrance tickets, in cheap cheap price, from MATTA fair previously. so, kena masuk jugak lah.
the beautiful parrots welcome us.
Mrs Boleh-man quickly opened the 'kacang' and fed them. so funny, she was so scared of the birds. or maybe the parrots scared of her too... hehe!
nothing much to see inside, and it is so weird that middle of the path we have to and forced to enter a jewellery and precious stone store. eh! any connection of the stones and rocks to the birdies... i find it no connection lorrr!!!
so fast, we reached to the last pit stop, meet the peacocks.
then my wife complaint too tired, and i was forced to go back to hotel... before go back, i saw these handicraft at the entrance...
beautiful giraffes...
at dinner time, we decided to eat something else than Chinese food. we found a thai restaurant along the Chenang beach, Rose Tea 2 restaurant. i wonder why it is II, and there must be Rose Tea I at some where else. make sense?
we ordered three dishes, with an appetizer of French fries...
yummy yummyyy... when i realised to take picture, we have had finished all.
we had veggies' TomYam pot...
this was supposed Chicken in Black pepper source!
last one, we had the squid in thai source.
so sorry, nothing left than the remnant of veggie and its source. anyway, it is a new way of food presentation, to show the outcome of the food. is it delicious, i think you should get the answer from the plates...
After the good dinner, we finally headed back to our nearby hotel and called it a day.
FINAL INSTALMENT: Underwater World, Seven Wells ('Telaga Tujuh") waterfall
Read Part I here
Read Part II here
Read Part III
Read Part IV